
A love letter to philosophy and virtue ethics.
Explore the Renaissance’ Seven Heavenly Virtues and discover what we can learn from them today.

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Temperance is the relentless practice of self-control and finding the right balance in life.

The familiar love-hate practice of self-discipline, it’s the virtue of moderation and restraint in ALL things. Some would argue this is a bigger challenge in societies with abundance, where the temptation to ‘over-do’ it is too great. From how much tv, social media or food we consume, to spending habits or our emotional reactions.

Maintaining the balance can be exhausting. Luckily this good habit can become second nature over time and practice and studies have proven it reinforces the focus we need to get where we want to be. So though it’s harder on some days than others, the end result is that we’re measured, productive, healthy and financially sound while well on our way to reaching our goals. Win win.

You can get almost
everything you
But happiness lies in only what you need
See how
this virtue
was relayed
in the renaissance
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