
A love letter to philosophy and virtue ethics.
Explore the Renaissance’ Seven Heavenly Virtues and discover what we can learn from them today.

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Faith is belief-based knowledge. It’s the ultimate trust in someone or something.

For the religiously inclined, it’s the conviction in a divine being. For everyone, it’s the driver behind leaning into a relationship, a choice or a challenge without being able to explain why we should.

Tests and hardships can lead us into dark places, and it’s often faith, this unexplainable force, that propels us to move forward. In situations like these, people with faith (religious or otherwise) are reported to cope better. Perhaps it’s the acceptance in limited control (both good and bad) in our lives that forces believers to be detached.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
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this virtue
was relayed
in the renaissance
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